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Even though much of September saw summer-like temperatures, the first of the month had us diving headfirst into fall. Off with your sandals, it is time for boots! This also meant shelving the light, summery fragrances that saw us through June, July and August. The first scent profiles that come to mind when you think of fall are the food-focused choices, but what if you do not want to smell like a pumpkin pie at work? Celebrate autumn in all its glory with some more subtle nods to the season.

The Essence of Autumn

In general, a fall perfume will be a little spicy, as well as warm, earthy, smoky, woodsy, and even have tones of leather. At first glance, all things fall are scented with varying combinations of apple, pumpkin, and which ever combination makes up the scent of anything meant to be fallen leaves. These are not bad choices by any means. If you are searching for the less obvious choices, try notes of fig, pear, or cranberry. The spices incorporated into the scent also play an important role in whether or not a perfume gives off the right autumnal vibe. There are, of course, cinnamon and nutmeg but notes of ginger, pink or black pepper, and tobacco will give you the desired depth and warmth. Notes of musk and amber are perfect for this as well.


Summer Love

Fall is a time of transition, so if you are not quite ready to let go of summer, do not despair. There are two ways you could combine light summery notes with the deep warmth of fall. The simplest solution is to pick a perfume that does as the season does and transitions into the autumn notes. Pick a top note which is lighter, perhaps something floral or citrusy and a warmer fall base note, like amber, musk, or tobacco. As your perfume dries throughout the day, your summer florals will fade into the fall scents!

For those wanting a bit more adventure, try layering multiple perfumes on top of each other. Test these out on a piece of paper first, in case your concoction does not smell quite as expected and combine them before the perfumes have dried. If you are a layering novice, start with only one or two different perfumes at once. If you are not sure where to start, try combining scents with notes in common, but do not be afraid to get creative! This is why you test it on paper, after all!


No Wrong Answer

It is time to celebrate fall, and there is no wrong way to do it. If you like to smell like a freshly baked apple pie at all hours of the day, you go! If you prefer to hint at fall with warm, smoky tones, then hint away! And if you are not quite ready to let go of summer, that is okay too. Layer yourself a scent that harmoniously suggests your love of both. 




